What is your favorite product to pour, and why?
So far I have hated and loved pouring our EV-Charging station bases. I dislike how much time and effort goes into making one. Countless hours in prepping, and just the same for stripping, but who said making concrete was easy. The love however, for one, just the fact that we all worked together on the form set, with constant trial and error. For second it is awesome to create sustainability from a little precast plant in the middle of old Swanzey.
Who or what motivates you, and why?
Being a person you can depend on. I only have a few people in my life I can count on, I think that there need to be more dependable people in this world.
What’s the most unique part about working at EZ-CRETE?
Being able to teach a great crew that share the same values. Watching someone learn from your mistakes and make the adjustments is an absolutely wonderful thing to witness. Everyone working towards a common goal of success.
In your time at EZ-CRETE what has been your favorite project you’ve worked on, and why?
Installing our one yard batch plant was hands down the most overwhelming thing I have done in my life, and watching it be the heart that pumps through EZ-Crete, never skipping a beat. That is just something you can look at and know you can accomplish anything.
When you aren’t at work, where could we find you and what would you be doing?
I have more hobbies than I could ever even begin to explain. You could find me out on the water, blasting Childers, and casting lines. You might find me riding my motorcycle through beautiful New Hampshire, jamming to The Dead, or I could be cooking steaks and bumping to Gov’t Mule, but I am probably out making some old four wheeled garbage pretty again.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
New Hampshire is the most beautiful place on the planet, but I would love to go to Austin Texas. Killer food, amazing comedy clubs, and great music.